According to Gartner’s definition of knowledge management , “Knowledge management is a business process that formalizes the management and use of an organization’s intellectual resources. Knowledge management promotes a collaborative and integrative approach to creating, capturing, organizing, accessing and using information assets, including the tacit, uncaptured knowledge of people.”
What is knowledge management?
Now that we have looked at the definition of kno ge management, we want to find out more about what knowlge management is. As we have already heard, knowledge oman telegram data management is not so much about explicit knowledge, but rather about human expertise and the individual wealth of experience of employees. This implicit knowledge must be networked and . A made accessible within the company. Transforming it into explicit knowledge by speaking it out or writing it down is only one task of knowe management – it is also about generating new knowledge and transferring external knowledge. In order for this to.
A that professional knowledge management makes companies more competitive in our modern knowledge Why this is importan economy. In addition, it increases productivity, leads to higher quality products and better services, and increases customer satisfaction. Because employees can easily find the information ba leads they n . A not only can productivity be sustainably increased . A business processes can also be made more efficient overall.
goals of knowledge management
Knowledge management is based on the basic assumption that knowledge is one of the most important resources a company lukasz solkiewicz can have. Unlike goods or information, it cannot be acquired or increased through trade. As a result, knowledge management is clearly different from information management. Its goals are to use, acquire, store and develop knowledge.
In this context, knowledge transfer also plays a crucial role. It is about converting implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge in order to create a kind of collective knowledge that is available throughout the company. In the same way, knowledge management also aims to convert .