What is Big Idea what is it for, what does it consist of and how much does it cost

Today we will talk about creativity, or more precisely about one of its services  –  developing a Big Idea for business.Some people hear about it for the first time, some, on the contrary, are well acquainted, and some even actively sell or buy this service. But there is no single idea on the market of what it is. Clients and agencies understand its essence, accurate mobile phone number list composition and place among other creative services in their own way.

They even call the Big Idea differently  –  Big Idea , creative concept , creative strategy –  believing that all these concepts are one and the same (in fact, they are not) .

To understand the topic, Likeni conduct a survey of leading creative agencies and found out why Big Idea is needed and how it helps businesses find a way to their clients and increase sales.

Here’s what agencies told us during the survey:


  • What is Big Idea and what is its main value
  • Who is the customer of Big Idea (subject, business size, regions)
  • How long does it take to develop a Big idea and how much does it cost?
  • What is includ in the Big Idea and who implements it
  • Prospects for the development of Big Idea for the next three years


So, let’s take it in order.

What is Big Idea


According to our experts, Big Idea  is  a company’s what is big idea what is it for, what does it consist of and how much does it cost message that is design to break through the information noise and reach the consciousness of consumers. A deep idea, insight, brand message. Big Idea  is  a more global concept, such as “chairman of the globe”, and, for example, a creative strategy  is  like a president of a country, or a royal person.


The big idea is call BIG for a reason  –  it reflects the pain points of the audience (buyer), their hidden nes, but does not describe the advantages of the brand/product.

BI is the basis of the creative concept , the implementation of which requires a creative strategy  –  a specific set of measures and methods.

The main value of BI is that it is a generalizing principle, the first and main link in the chain of creating the right brand image. BI ensures the integrity of brand communications and has the ability to be easily distribut across different advertising channels (SMM, video, banners, special projects, etc.).

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