Types of targeting

What is it for? Geo-targeting shows ads to people who are in a certain location, say, near a clothing store. It narrows the audience, reduces advertising costs, and helps achieve high conversion.

What is its special feature? The canada whatsapp data consumer’s location is revealed in one of the following ways:

  • by IP address of a mobile or desktop device;
  • through a mobile operator that transmits data; Types of targeting
  • by cookies that record user actions on the network, including requests with a specific geolocation.

Geolocation-based advertising is much more effective than advertising that is seen by everyone. A user located near a store whose ad they saw is more likely to visit it than someone living on the other side of town.

Who is it for? Businesses that operate offline, such as:

  • retail trade;
  • hairdressing, cosmetology;
  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • consulting centers;
  • companies located in a specific region.

Hyperlocal targeting

This is almost the same type of targeting however, they can also be used to build as the previous one, but aimed at a narrower geolocation of users. Types of targeting It allows you to set up advertising within 0.5-1 km around a certain place on the map or highlight neighborhoods/districts.

Let’s say that the algorithms of the VK advertising network analyze information about the user’s location at a certain time. Based on this, they select popular places, determine the localization of work and home.

Hyperlocal targeting is used in targeted and contextual advertising. It is often used by owners of cafes in office buildings to increase the flow of customers working with them in one place.

Time targeting

What is it for? Time targeting shows people ads when they are most in demand. So, there is no point in inviting visitors to a restaurant at 11:30 PM if it is open until 10:30 PM.

To set up time targeting, analyze the contact lists business’s work and determine what days and times there are the most customers. Let’s say a restaurant gives visitors a discount until 13:00. Then it is better to set up ad display in the morning.

You can show ads when the company is not working. However, then you need to place a callback form on the site, launch a 24-hour call center. Types of targeting The main thing is to process leads on the next working day.

What is its special feature? Time targeting allows you to set the time of ad broadcasting. This helps you not to waste your budget on advertising during the period when the audience does not see it. Time targeting is useful to combine with geographic targeting.

Time targeting allows you to set up ads at specific times /  Image by master1305 on Freepik

Who is it for? Businesses with a flow of customers on specific days or times, such as:

  • taxi – its services are more often ordered in the evenings, on the eve of weekends, on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
  • delivery of prepared meals – it is especially in demand at lunchtime;
  • companies providing services for offices – their ads are of interest on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00.


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