The how-to video

This format is similar to the explanatory video. The how-to video However, it offers even more detailed information about a product or application. A process is shown step by step so that the viewer can follow and, if necessary, repeat the process themselves. Many do-it-yourself videos work according to this principle, as do assembly instructions and tutorials. Screencasts are particularly suitable as how-to videos for software or online applications.

The event film

Being present at trade fairs is important. But why should bc data india only the visitors to the trade fair know about it? A brief overview of the event attended, the most important topics on site and the voices of the visitors convey expertise, show presence and position the company as a key player in the industry. You also offer those “staying at home” an informative service in the form of event reporting. Add some variety to this format by having an employee report live from an event on Facebook. Live streaming of events offers great potential for both beginners and B2B companies that are already involved in video marketing.

The Employer Branding Film

While other video formats focus on products or industry gadgets for animals content, the company’s employer brand counts here. Potential applicants should get an impression of the atmosphere and the collaboration. The how-to video Stay realistic and authentic. Focus on a few core topics that set you apart as an employer from others. Many companies try to list all the benefits here, like in a job advertisement. But such content is quickly forgotten. The best way to convey the positive message is via the meta-level of the film. Let your employees talk about projects in the company that impressed them or about their successes. Personal stories seem much more credible and approachable than memorized phrases about flexible working hours and training opportunities.

The video blog

A video blog is a regular series of short videos in which a person presents content on a specific topic. Compared to other types of video, video blogs are much less complex to create. The how-to video he videos are often shot in a single take and therefore hardly need to be cut or edited. All you need facebook users is a handheld camera or a smartphone and a person who is not afraid to speak into a camera. In this way, a topic can be prepared for interested viewers over a longer period of time. A not overly professional appearance is definitely desired here, as the video blogger takes on the role of a friend or acquaintance rather than that of an expert. This creates trust.

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