Testimonial advertising is worthwhile! because we all tend to ask friends and colleagues for recommendations before buying something. Plus! 98% of people read online reviews of local businesses before visiting or buying.
Let’s review different ways to use testimonials in advertising to boost sales.
1. Video Testimonials
The best examples of testimonials in advertising and marketing are video testimonials. Video testimonials work best because they cannot be fake. A text testimonial has no guarantee! but when someone sees a video of a customer sharing their experience! it does not go unnoticed.
Visual content is highly engaging. The average user spends 88% more gambling data philippine time on a website with videos compared to one without. Not only are videos more engaging! but people who watch them are more likely to buy. One study found that 8 out of 10 people have purchased an app after watching a video about it.
Examples of testimonials in advertising
The best part: Videos provide the highest ROI rate according to 52% of marketers. Which means a video testimonial is more likely to work and give you a decent return on investment. Here’s an example from HubSpot that has created a page dedicated to testimonials:
Video testimonials can be used on websites! landing pages! social media! and of course! on YouTube channels. However! this video must be of high quality. It must look pristine and have professional sound quality and direction. A low-quality testimonial video will not work! no matter how hard you try.
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2. Testimonials in Text
Text or quote testimonials are the most common examples of testimonials research is just the beginning in advertising. These are the easiest to get and are extremely inexpensive. Quote testimonials can be easily acquired via email compared to a video testimonial! which needs a lot of backend work.
Using testimonials in text in advertising is an effective approach to improve CTR and conversions as people tend to trust these testimonials more than the ads.
Here’s an example of how Infolinks is using a one-liner in their Facebook ads to increase clicks:
text testimonials in advertising
You can also use these testimonials in text on your website. Using testimonials can lead to more sales .
Here’s an example of how SproutSocial is using testimonials in quotes on their homepage:
Quote testimonials can be used in a variety of ways and across different channels. The best approach is to use them across all sites so that potential customers can find these testimonials at all touchpoints.
The testimonial should be accompanied by a photo of the customer! their name and other details (for example! a link to a website or social network). This makes the testimonials appear authentic and trustworthy. A simple text! without photos or details! will appear fake.
If you are spending resources acquiring testimonials from your customers! go thailand data even further and ask for their photo and other personal details so that anyone can verify the authenticity of the testimonials.
- Influencer Testimonials
These are the most popular examples of testimonials in advertising today. Influencers! especially micro-influencers! have transformed the marketing industry. They are everywhere! from social media to podcasts! from television to blogs! and in many places in between.
And there is no shortage of reasons…
Influencer marketing is expected to become a $10 billion industry by 2020. Statistics show that 70% of teens trust influencers more than celebrities and 49% of customers rely on an influencer’s recommendation to purchase a product.