Not all companies take into account Elimination of existing errors . It is necessary to check the relevance of the presented price lists, and also to make sure that the technical support operator is available. It is also necessary to ensure the correct operation of all elements of the site.
Typical mistakes in Not all companies take into account
Sales efficiency can be reduced by making a country email list number of mistakes. Let’s look at the most significant ones:
Lead processing too slow Not all companies take into account
how important it is to respond quickly to requests from the target audience. If you contact a potential client not five minutes after the Not all companies take into account request, but, for example, an hour later, the chance of concluding a deal will significantly decrease.
Let’s say a request for a house price estimate was left on the site on Friday evening. The manager has already left work by this time, only to show up on Monday. He contacts the lead only at the beginning of the next work week, when the potential o pinion leaders: who are they, classification buyer’s interest has already shifted to competitors.
This problem can be solved by implementing a system of instant notifications about incoming requests. It is important to determine the optimal KPI value for the speed of lead processing. To avoid losing potential clients, it makes sense to establish a shift schedule, when managers will process .
Lack of segmentation
Different types of clients require different approaches. A universal interaction scenario will not work here.
Let’s say a software distribution company decides to go this route. All leads receive the same offers, regardless of their interest and readiness to conclude a deal. As a result, some potential customers lose interest in the product or go to competitors who cooperate on more specific terms.
To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to assessing leads for their readiness to buy the product. Based on the results, different scenarios of interaction with different groups of clients are implemented.
Too intrusive advertising
Aggressive marketing often alienates the audience, which leads to the loss of potential buyers.
Let’s take an online English language school as an example. Visitors go to its website and take advantage of the offer to take the first lesson for free. To do this, they need to leave an email address. Then participants start receiving emails several times a day urging them to buy the entire course.
Instead, school management should contact lists implement a balanced communications system that takes into account the personal time of audience members. This can be done using automated tools that send out