Selling eBooks: Myths and Truths You Need to Know to Be Successful

According to the latest report from the International Telecommunication Union , one of the UN agencies, 51% of the world’s population is now officially connected to the internet. According to the Digital 2020: Global Digital Overview report , promoted by We Are Social and Need to Know to Be Successful Hootsuite, the global average internet usage time is 6 hours and 43 minutes per day, meaning that people spend more than 100 days connected to the internet worldwide. Due to this, traditional forms of advertising have been decreasing, while content marketing, such as ebook sales, has grown significantly.

The proof of what I say is present

In the annual report of PO Media , which indicates that bangladesh phone number data the content marketing market has been growing 15% per year since 2015. This success has increasingly aroused the interest of people and companies that want to invest in the sector. However, the production and sale of ebooks is an even more complex topic within content marketing, as it requires greater depth when compared to other content Need to Know to Be Successful found on the internet.

However, there are several beliefs spread by common sense that the production and sale of ebooks is something easy, quick, that it does not necessarily need quality, that quizzes and tests are popular with fans only certain subjects are successful or even that the ebook should be short, as people are not used to reading.

With that in mind, I wrote this post with the main myths about the production and sale of ebooks, as well as pointing out true facts about this market, based on my experience of more than 10 years in the field, in order to clear up any doubts you may have on the subject. Let’s go!

Myths to debunk about selling ebooks

As shown above, the content marketing industry has been growing a lot in recent years and this has raised many doubts and myths about this market. There are several Need to Know to Be Successful misconceptions that, unfortunately, are spread by people who do not have qualified knowledge on the subject or experience in the market.

In this way, I have separated the most common anhui mobile phone number list myths about the production and sale of ebooks. To learn more about each one, continue reading this post and enjoy!

1. It is a quick and easy way to make money

One of the most widespread myths about selling ebooks is that selling this specific type of content is an easy and quick way to make a profit. However, this statement overlooks a number of issues.

First of all, producing a quality ebook is not easy. You must have a product that is interesting to a specific audience. In addition, you also need to have information, that is, content that is actually useful to potential consumers.

Therefore, operationalizing the target audience research stages and understanding their real needs and the potential of your product in relation to these needs is not easy, as well as producing fluid writing that meets the spelling and grammar requirements of the Portuguese language are also not easy tasks.

Furthermore, it is not enough to create an ebook that meets all these demands, it is still necessary to invest strategically in promoting the content, so that it becomes profitable for you.

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