Mediation or marketplaces

Mediation or marketplaces In the digital world, an example of such a business model are electronic platforms where interaction between sellers and consumers is ensured in order to receive a commission from each concluded purchase and sale transaction. Mediation is typical not only for Internet resources where goods or services of numerous suppliers are presented (Ozon, Wildberries, Aliexpress, etc.). The same model is used by realtors, recruiting agencies, taxi aggregators, etc.

After reviewing the Mediation or marketplaces

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The essence of the “Business Model Canvas” methodology

This development was proposed by business theorists from Switzerland and the USA – Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. It contains a description of the process of obtaining a stream of income from the sale of a product (goods or services) in different segments of the target audience. The canvas of the business model includes 9 categories, which we have combined into 4 main groups:


This element is necessary for the enterprise to produce a product that has value for the target audience.

The infrastructure includes the main areas of the company’s activities that are aimed at creating such value. In other words, we are talking about the key business processes of the upper level of abstraction. Here are the main huma content funnel on wildberries n  intellectual and material resources used to create the value of the product, as well as the partners involved in solving this problem (suppliers, marketers, landlords, etc.).

Value Proposition

We are talking about products that distinguish a specific enterprise from its competitors. In addition, such goods or services create value for consumers. It is necessary to separate the company’s additional products from the main ones, which ensure the company’s advantageous positioning in the market.

The attached goods and services can be included in the USP (unique selling proposition). For example, “delivery within 30 minutes”, “parking with video surveillance for visitors”, “use of reliable

Consumers are divided into separate groups contact lists  with representatives of which the company can build relationships aimed at realizing values ​​in different ways. For example, these can be niche or premium segments, mass-market, etc. Separate blocks of customer acquisition channels and sales organization are also distinguished.

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