A technical task is a document with a detaile description of the task for the performer. It does not necessarily have to be a designer or a programmer, we all encounter technical tasks even in everyday life.
The principle of technical specifications helps to obtain exactly the result we nd. The more precisely we describe our requirements, the less likely we are to be disappointd.
Why do we ned technical specifications?
The key goal of the technical specification is clarity and ios database prdictability. It is necessary so that all participants in the process, from the developer to the copywriter, understand what exactly to be done and how it should look.
Why else do we a technical specification? Let’s look at it point by point:
1. Protection from misunderstandings
With the TOR you will not hear “I thought so” or “we did not agree on this”. All controversial issues are resolvd basd on what is written. A kind of insurance against unscrupulous contractors.
2. Change of performer without loss of quality
If you are not satisfid with the work of the current how to rank for competitive local search terms contractor, the TOR allows you to easily transfer the project to another without losing quality. The new contractor will immediately understand what is require of him, and you will not have to waste time explaining from scratch.
3. Monitoring progress and results
Using the technical specifications, you can track what stage the project is at and compare the result with the requirements.
4. Saving time and money
It sounds paradoxical, but the technical specification saves both anhui mobile phone number list time and money, although its compilation also requires spending precious hours. But due to clear requirements and a well-established process, alterations and errors are minimized.
Let’s look at an example. Without a technical task, a copywriter can write an article in two days. However, he will have to edit and rework the text for a whole week. As a result, we will have ready content only a week and a half after the start of writing. And if you spend a day on drawing up the technical task, provided that the copywriter also writes for two days, then you will have the finished result in three days.