Franklin’s Planning Pyramid: Structure and Main Steps

To begin with, let’s consider the full structure of the pyramid, principles, and the interrelationship of all elements in a more general format. Each step of the pyramid is closely connected to the previous one, and their consistent implementation helps to move in the direction from the idea to a specific result. The pyramid consists of six blocks.

At the same time, the logic of working 

The tool is quite simple. All the steps of the pyramid are gcash database arranged sequentially. A person must come from the general to the particular and first decide on a set of life values ​​that he supports and is ready to strive for. It is important to answer the question: “What would you like from life?”

Next, based on values, comes the choice of a personal global goal. For example, “What do I want to achieve by the age of 45?” Open my own clinic or startup, and so on. Then – a how to track organic search traffic with google analytics general plan. This is a step-by-step instruction on achieving a global, high goal. You literally need to list: “What I must do (without deadlines yet) to achieve the goal.”

The long-term plan is based on the general plan

It takes a part of the highest priority tasks that need to be completed first. The time period is 3-5 years.

The short-term plan is also distinguished from the long-term one. The five-year plan should be divided into years. The topmost layer is operational planning for the current day or week.

As a result, a person receives step-by-step instructions that anhui mobile phone number list allow him to move towards his global goal consistently and within a certain time frame.

Usually a person settles on a certain

Set of life values ​​that do not contradict each other. Health, family or, on the contrary, career, self-development, benefit to the world.

Life values ​​are a person’s internal guidelines that cannot be measured. They shape character, intelligence and creative potential, determine worldview and serve as a basis for decision-making and goal setting.

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