For this classification emotional coloring is not important: it only takes into account the purpose of PR.
For this classification emotional mobile phone number data updated 2025 coloring is not important . Business PR – includes getting to know the company, building a reputation and communicating information about the product to customers.
For this classification emotional coloring is not important .Corporate – helps maintain connections between the management and employees of the organization, aim at staff and applicants.
Investment – aim at investors, ne to attract them to the product and develop the company.
Social – us to communicate with the community and promote values through various initiatives such as charity.
Anti-crisis – ne to correct the consequences of an external or internal crisis: from data hacking or scandal to financial problems.
PR tools
Public relations is a general concept. From it, several specific areas of PR activity can be distinguish.
Creation of expert materials. For example, partner articles about the company’s area of work. Thus, IT brands regularly publish brian nicholson materials on the thematic Internet portal “Habr”.
Press releases . The company publishes its news in the press, telling about product development, changes in direction, new points – everything that is important for the reputation and development of the brand.
Research . Another type of content. This could be a scientific study, for example, from a mical company, or marketing analytics, or simply interesting information, such as “the most common gifts for March 8th.”
Social mia management . SMM can be partially call a direction of PR: it also deals with creating an image and communicating with the audience.
Events . Not cheap, but an effective and efficient way to attract users offline.
Sponsorship . Usually ne to express values. For example, a company can sponsor environmental projects as part of “green PR”.
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Stages of a PR campaign
They are similar to the stages of most marketing strategies.
Planning . First, you should clean email analyze the target audience and the market, determine the positioning and capabilities of the company, and most importantly, formulate a clear goal. For example, tell the audience about a new product and bring it to the market, resolve a controversial situation, or increase recognition.
Implementation. Bas on the goal, specific PR technologies and tools are select, as well as the type of PR and other features. Then the methods are implement. Conducting a PR campaign can be either very expensive or completely free, depending on the chosen promotion methods. For example, PR of an Internet site often consists of posting articles on the topic on professional resources on the Internet.