Facebook Conversion Campaigns

If simple Link clicks or Landing page views don’t work for you and you have the ability to track at least one relevant conversion on your page – I recommend starting with a conversion campaign, preferably with your own events. In this guide, we’ll show you step by step how to do it.

What is needed for this:

Let’s install Pixel
Installing Pixel is now a breeze, just insert it into the header or install it using Google Tag Manager (GTM).

monitor user activity on the website,
use remarketing audiences,

create the aforementioned conversion campaigns,
create lookalike audiences from the website and other target groups.
Let’s create our own EVENT

If you use GTM, just enter the event into the bc data indonesia  transformation (see below) and the EVENT is born.After setting up the event, it should appear as active in the Events manager section (Pixel along with automatically generated events.

See Screenshot, FORM_AkceInternet), where we are optimizing the campaign with the aim of getting as many completed forms as possible.

Additionally, Pixel allows us to:

Also check whether after a few minutes or the story of the perfect flatlay photo – basic equipment at least hours the green light on the event is on, which means that the event is working properly.

The event is triggered when every form is filled out, not just from Facebook ads.

We will create a conversion campaign
We will now create a classic conversion campaign in Ads Manager:

We’ll “create” it and then just set the event as the conversion campaign goal:

We’ll just let the campaign run,

According to the most appropriate targeting (it can be the same as the click-through campaigns that have already worked for you).

Let the FB algorithm work for at least three days and test a conversion campaign with a smaller budget. It can take up to three days for the learning phase to. End and burkina faso leads the algorithm’s skill to become apparent, so don’t be surprised if your campaign doesn’t collect dozens of leads from the moment it’s launched.

And that’s all, let us know how satisfied you are with conversion campaigns, whether you use them


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