The pandemic has turned a lot of things upside down. While few employees changed jobs during the crisis, there is a risk that there will be greater mobility among workers after the crisis. Now more than ever, it is important to take the right measures to retain employees to avoid this.
Retaining employees in times of crisis
Times of crisis are challenging for employers and managers. However, they can also be used to build deeper employee loyalty. Honest and open communication, continuous training and the provision of important tools such as team communication software and security software are particularly important in times of crisis.
To find out more about how the view of employers has changed during Companies that the crisis . A what new skills have been learned during the crisis cambodia telegram data and what factors are most important when choosing a job, we conducted a study with over 7,900 employees from small and medium-sized companies. The participants come from Germany . A France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada and Brazil. Of these, 1,098 participants from Germany were surveyed.
Employee retention in times of crisis Study results
Employers who responded well to the crisis and supported their team were able to gain many plus points and james henderson retain employees. 33% of employees say that the COVID-19 pandemic has positively changed their view of their current job and that they now value their job and employer more.
13% of employees now value their job and employer less. The main reason given for this is that the employer ba leads did not respond satisfactorily to the pandemic (45%). For 35% of employees, their job has become monotonous, boring or repetitive since the pandemic and for 21%, the job has lost its meaning due to the crisis.