Below the search results, Baidu and other search engines suggest a series of other terms that Internet users search for in connection with the entered keyword. Baidu Keyword Planner Online marketing managers are shown a list of search results when they click on the individual terms listed there.
The Baidu Keyword Planner is a free research tool that is integrated into the Baidu Tuiguang advertising platform. Due to the gigantic search volume. The Baidu Keyword Planner is one of the most reliable tools. Baidu Keyword Planner The disadvantage, however, is that a pay-per-click account is required to use it, and applying for it involves a huge amount of bureaucracy. A list of keywords can be generated by entering a specific key term.
Content and link building: quality over quantity
As with Google, high quality standards now apply to business owner database external and internal links as well as on-page and off-page content. Content should be geared towards the Chinese target group and offer Internet users real added value. When it comes to backlinking, Baidu prefers Chinese websites to foreign ones. It’s worth taking a look at the performance of competitors.
Just as high-quality content on Wikipedia and industry-specific . B2B platforms can improve Google rankings, it is advisable to use Chinese channels such as Baidu advantages and disadvantages Baike. Baidu Keyword Planner An appropriate presence on WeChat . China’s most important social network, is now also out of the question for small and medium-sized B2B companies that want to operate successfully in the Chinese market.
Attractive, target group-oriented videos on the YouKu platform (BASF and Siemens in particular are setting a good example here) and an active account on Sina Weibo also usually lead to a better Baidu rank, more visitors to the website and ultimately more sales.
China is one of the largest economic powers. Many facebook users German B2Bs have now discovered the potential that lies behind it. Anyone who wants to gain a foothold in the Middle Kingdom has to pay . Attention to a number of things when it comes to search engine optimization. Baidu is China’s most important search engine. Anyone who wants to successfully run search engine optimization . Here and already has prior knowledge of Google does not have to start completely from scratch. Nevertheless, there are numerous market and culture-specific features that you should keep in mind.