All relatives can firmly count on

Vitya Pechenochkin is a good guy, he has a lot of friends. Friendship is 24/7, so he constantly helps everyone. Pick up his neighbor’s mother-in-law from the airport, help his nephew with his essay, help Marinochka from the payroll department with her car, carry furniture around a friend’s garage… Vitya does not forget about blood ties either.  him. Vitya never refuses to help.

No, Vitya is paid. Sometimes they

Thank him, sometimes they feed him yesterday’s cutlets, sometimes they kiss him on  new zealand telegram data the cheek or shake his hand. But if Vitya opens his diary and calculates how much time he spends on himself and how much on his relatives and friends, he will feel bad. Because he will see that he has long since turned into a free lackey, used by everyone who is not too lazy.

Of course, Vitya thinks that services are

A two-way street. Now he helped, and tomorrow he will be helped… But here’s the thing:  sault data Vitya himself doesn’t need anything. He somehow solves his own.  Problems without bothering anyone. And those people . Whom Vitya turns to for help . Once every .Couple of . Years belong to the category of his acquaintances .Who have never  indispensable for seo specialists used him as free labor.

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