Vertical content and adaptation to the Stories format

We recommend using as much space as possible. And it’s not even a square, it’s a 4:5 format. Be sure to adapt the content for Stories.

Your ad should evoke the most pleasant feedback from the user and not look cropped. If you have a horizontal image, but there is no way to convert it to another format, Facebook has a special editor for Stories. Just upload the image, choose the template you telegram data like and see how the text will look on it.

9. Checking the video using a checklist

If you decide to advertise through video content, please refer to the list of recommendations below.


  1. We recommend showing the brand in the first three seconds of the video, otherwise the user will lose the thread and will not understand which brand they are communicating with.
  2. Convey the main idea in the first six seconds of the video, because rarely does anyone watch the ad to the end. If the main message is at vertical content and adaptation to the stories format the end, the user is unlikely to wait for it.
  3. Use one simple idea in your video to avoid confusing your potential buyer.
  4. Adapt the video for viewing without sound, preferably with subtitles. No one likes situations when a video turns on loudly at the most inopportune moment.
  5. Make your video 10-15 seconds long max. Otherwise, no one will get to the final call to action.
  6. Use vertical formats 9:16 and 4:5, but horizontal video is best left for YouTube.


If you want to rate the quality of the video, use the scoring system from the screenshot below:

10. View Facebook library

Keep track of what your competitors are doing and what’s happening in the market with the Facebook Librar  – Facebook’s advertising library.

The library is free and open to everyone. Enter the name of any company, any brand in the search and see what kind of advertising it places, compare it with your communication.



The transformation of the marketing profession became a key topic at the conference “Cyberpunk 2020: The Future of MarTech Has Already Arrived.” And individual theses of Alexandra Tsapesh’s report confirm that Facebook Ads algorithms are already doing a lot of the work better than humans.

Of course, technology will not replace a person, it will simply provide him with more opportunities, but how a specialist will use them, including to increase sales from social networks, depends only on his knowledge and skills.

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