Because Vasya spends money the same way he earns it: without counting. Five hundred rubles for a taxi home. A thousand rubles for lunch at a restaurant. It seems like you work and work… but there is no money.
If Vasya got himself a notebook
And started writing down all his income and expenses, the hair on his ass would stand on end in horror. Vis not a measly thousand at a time, as he thought, but fifty thousand a month, six hundred thousand a year. Vasya would see that taxis are convenient and comfortable, but two months of traveling by minibus would allow him to buy a new computer, which he has been dreaming about for three years.
However, as befits a normal slave of the Matrix, Vasya does not consider it necessary to count money.
14. Expensive savings
Dima Gustitsyn is forced to economize on food. He eats homeless bags: he dilutes them with boiling water and eats them with disgust with a plastic fork. Sometimes Dima treats himself, eats store-bought pelmeni.
Good pasta with normal meat would cost Dima less than Doshirak with dumplings… however, someone once told Dima that Doshirak is cheap, but Dima somehow doesn’t have the idea to calculate with a calculator how much “cheap” things actually cost him.
Dima is sure that money is something petty
And dirty, and that only misers count it. At the same time, Dima is not embarrassed by the fact that his unwillingness to understand finances spain telegram data regularly forces him to act as a decent bastard – not paying off his friends’ debts, for example.
This is probably how they reasoned in the Middle
Ages: a neat person never washes his ass: after all, touching filth with your hand, washing it off your body is such a shameful and unworthy occupation…
15. Advertising
Lena Vurdalakina drinks cola, european leads smokes Marlboro, chews Stimorol and guzzles McDonald’s hamburgers. She always smells like Dolce & Gabbana and carries her iPhone in a Louis Vuitton bag.
At the same time, Lena is sure that advertising has no effect on her, and that her sick stomach and empty wallet are her own choice.
The predatory snouts on TV
Screens unanimously support now he gets around in a lancer he took on Lena in her naive delusion: “You are a free person, Lenochka, you are an intelligent and beautiful woman, you always absolutely voluntarily and independently choose which of us you will humbly give your next paycheck to.”