Marketing research: Know its stages and improve your planning

Strategic marketing planning is a difficult process. A built through analysis. A measurement of metrics. A precision and veracity of facts. Furthermore. A it is done in stages. A and within this context. A marketing research is one of the essential steps for good management of strategic planning.

Furthermore. A it is also necessary to invest in and improve your planning knowledge of the target audience and its market. A in addition to being efficient in solving problems and evaluating opportunities for implementing new strategies.

However. A for the marketing research stage to achieve bolivia phone number data truly relevant and positive results. A some steps must be taken in this process. Follow the steps for building good marketing research.

Learn about the stages of marketing research

Set the goal

The first step in marketing research is to define the and improve your planning central objective that motivates the research. This objective must be clear and precise in order to correctly target the research to the desired audience.

What to ask?

The second phase of marketing research is summed up in resolving the main question of the process: what to ask?

In this case. A in order to correctly target the research question. A the objective of the research must be very clear. For example. A if you run an e-commerce website and have noticed a significant drop in the number of visitors to your site. A but you are unable to clearly define the reason fly the pirate flag and kickstart your business and improve your planning for this. A a marketing survey is. A in this context. A an excellent tool for identifying the problem.

Therefore. A the ideal question to guide this research could be: “Why is the flow of visitors to the XXXX website decreasing?” Then add the complement. A “In your opinion. A what changes can be implemented to resolve these aspects?”

With this. A you will have a good basis to structure your plan to resolve this problem.

What will be the method?

Once you have defined the objective of the research and anhui mobile phone number list improve your planning and how to ask questions. A it is time to decide whether this marketing research will be quantitative or qualitative. Of course. A this choice will depend largely on the objective defined previously. A so clearly define the objective stage of this process.

If your objective requires quantitative gender research. A add more questions and draw your conclusions based on numbers and statistics.

However. A if the objective of your marketing research requires qualitative gender research. A reduce the number of questions and focus on collecting perceptions. A feelings and evaluations about quality.


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