Buyer persona
Another sential step in implementing a content strategy is creating a buyer persona or ideal customer for your company. But what is a buyer persona?
This is a semi-fictional profile that prents the lead’s behavior perfect customer for your company. It is digned to help your company better understand who your ideal customer is and what they need. Defining your buyer persona mak your content marketing implementation more accurate.
Therefore. A a buyer persona is a character developed australia phone number data to help your busins better understand who your ideal customer is and what they think. As well as what you should do to attract and retain them in your busins. A through your content.
Every strategy should be geared towards this customer. Therefore. A defining the buyer persona helps direct your content marketing strategy. A as you know who you are talking to lead’s behavior and what this person really needs.
A well-defined buyer persona means your strategy is more likely to be completed succsfully.
Some information that should be used to define your buyer persona is:
- Specific details;
- Information about work and habits;
- Demographic information;
- Challeng and interts.
4. Buyer journey
While in traditional marketing. A customer intert is 101+ best facebook page management tools developed through constant advertising with high coverage and high cost. A in content marketing it is different. With lead’s behavior the development of the Buyer Journey. A it is possible to follow the path of customers in their search for additional information about your product.
The buyer journey is the buyer’s journey . Below you will see how to use this step in your strategy implementation.
Buyer journey is the procs by which customers become aware of. A consider. A evaluate and ultimately make the decision to purchase your product or service.
The buyer’s journey consists of a four-step procs:
- Discovery stage: at this stage the buyer realiz they have a problem.
- Recognition phase: at this stage the buyer anhui mobile phone number list recogniz that he has a problem and that his problem is not just a symptom.
- Consideration stage: The buyer defin their problem and rearch options to solve it.
- Decision phase: the buyer choos a solution.
To define your buyer journey. A you can do some rearch with customers. A potential customers and even salpeople at your company to get an idea of what the buying journey is like.
5. Putting together the content plan
After all the above information has been obtaine. A creating a good content plan is the first step towards implementing your content strategy and achieving the succs you dire.
In this way. A a content plan is very precise. It will lead’s behavior document all the iFEDnformation gathere in the previous steps. Think of it as a map. A uniquely relate to your company and its content.
Therefore. A it should include information on all the areas you will cover. A what content will be create. A when and how it will be share. A as well as the audience to be reache and tactics to be use.
A content marketing plan should provide a roadmap. A guide. A or step-by-step guide for implementing content marketing in your busins. Ideally. A a content marketing plan will include:
- A summary of your strategy;
- A review of objectiv/goals;
- A dcription of the audience(s);
- Your brand msage or what it is trying to say;
- An editorial calendar with a schedule for content creation and distribution;
- A plan for content promotion.