If the National Social Security Institute grants you permanent disability. It is possible that it will be reviewed in the future. Does this mean that they can take away your permanent disability?
The possibility exists, let’s see what the legislation says and. Which cases a review of the disability can be carrie out that ends in its extinction.
What is a permanent disability ?
Before knowing whether or not Social Security can “remove” a disability, we ned to know its definition: it is an economic benefit that tries to cover the loss of income sufferd by a instagram database worker when his or her work capacity is reduced or cancelled due to illness or accident.
There are different types :
- Partial : This is the lowest level of disability. It is recognised when, due to an illness or injury, the worker can carry out his or her usual profession but with difficulty, and there is a decrease in his or her performance of less than 33%.
- Total : the worker cannot carry out his usual profession but can dedicate himself to another different one.
- Absolute : disqualifies the worker from performing any profession or trade.
- Severe Disability : when the worker needs assistance for the most basic aspects of life.
Depending on the injuries and the degree of limitation for your how to use content clusters for better organic search rankings usual profession, you will be granted one level or another. The most common is total permanent disability benefit.
The INSS can review your situation and also order the suspension or even the termination of the benefit. In the case of suspension, the benefit is simply paralyzed, that is, payments are stopped. However, termination means the loss of the right to the pension and therefore, of the payments.
Reasons for suspension of benefits
When the beneficiary has acted fraudulently to obtain anhui mobile phone number list or retain the right to benefits.
When the permanent disability is due to or has been aggravated as a result of reckless imprudence on the part of the beneficiary.
When the permanent disability is due to or has been aggravated as a result of having refused or abandoned , without reasonable cause, the medical treatment prescribed during the situation of temporary disability.