Procrastination is the pathological postponement of tasks and duties. When we procrastinate, instead of doing meaningful things that we should be doing, we do something unimportant.
But procrastination is not laziness. A lazy person does not want to do anything. A procrastinator knows what to do, wants to do it, orders himself, but does not obey. Procrastination is not rest either:
when a person rests, his energy is restored. On the contrary, when a person procrastinates, his energy is depleted due to regrets. The less energy we have, the more likely we are to put off the task again.
Write down specific tasks
You probably know that uncomfortable feeling when you have a pile of tasks piled up on you and you don’t know where to start. My tried-and-true method is to take a blank piece of paper and randomly list the individual tasks that I need to complete that day.
I try to name the tasks as precisely and bc data europe pleasantly as possible, because I can easily imagine them and at the same time reduce my aversion to them. Then I connect the individual tasks with each other, determine the order and try to estimate the time I will work on them during the day.
Each task should take you no more than 30 to 60 minutes. Sometimes I also color the tasks with a colored marker according to their importance and urgency. Then all I have to do is complete the tasks and gradually cross them off.
Focus on just one task
Once you start working on a task, try to focus on one task as much as possible. Try turning off notifications, tidying up your desk so that nothing disturbs or distracts you while you work.
Thanks to concentration, you will more easily how was the marketing festival 2019? get into a state of flow and you will complete tasks more easily. There are many tools that will help you focus more on your work. Try the apps Appblock and Forest: Stay focused .
If you don’t feel comfortable writing down your tasks on paper, you can try out some useful online tools to write down your tasks. I recommend Trello , Todoist , or Any.DO.
Start the day with the least enjoyable task
At the beginning of the day, when you still have enough energy, I recommend starting with the most difficult and priority tasks. Intersperse difficult tasks with less demanding and creative ones with systematic ones.
According to surveys, we most often postpone burkina faso leads what we do not like, what we do not enjoy and what we are afraid of. If you manage to do a difficult task right at the beginning of the day.
You will have it behind you, you will not have to unnecessarily stress about it all day and you will not lose energy.