Every company has its own individual knowledge base. This base is more or less responsible for the company’s success. It can even provide competitive advantages . A provided it is managed professionally. For this to succeed, a functioning system is required. This is where so-called knowledge management comes into play. Below you will find out everything you need to know about knowledge management: from the definition of knowledge management to knowledge management methods – and how knowledge management tools can help you implement it.
knowledge management definition
knowledge management definition
Knowledge management is generally considered to be one of the most important factors for entrepreneurial success. Access to and transfer of . A canada telegram data knowledge are basic requirements for the innovative ability of companies.
According to the knowledge management definition . A knowledge management deals with the . However they can also . A ba leads However they can also acquisition, use, transfer, development and storage of knowledge in order to make it transparent and
A accessible to the company and its employees
To this end, it is important to organize the handling . A and inventory of knowledge within the framework of professiona l linda soucy hr business partner knowledge management. The basis for this is the so-called implicit knowledge, which is stored in the minds of employees in the form of thought patterns . A complex connections and experiences. This makes it much more difficult to access than explicit knowledge – but it has the decisive advantage . A that it is continuously updated and expanded through daily work and regular exchange.