Analyze your company’s marketing processes

In this article, we’ll show you which tools you need, what you can expect from them, and how to choose the right tools.

>Before you jump into marketing buzzwords like automation, analytics or engagement, you should analyze exactly how your marketing processes currently work. This is the only way to find out what problems the tools are solving and what requirements they should meet, what type of tools will help you, how the different tools should work together and what role the human factor plays (because none of this replaces humans!).

Try the following exercise with your team:

Gather in a room and map out your marketing workflow. Whether it’s creating email campaigns or a new lead generation strategy, write australia telegram data  each step on a Post-It note and stick all of the notes on a wall or table in the order of your processes.

This will help you identify potential bottlenecks or gaps, missing connections, and places where the process is slowing down. Papers may be . A  piling up in places where tasks need to be optimized.

All of these congestion, bottlenecks, and slowdowns are business challenges you need to address . A so look for tools that address these activities and either automate them completely or enable a more streamlined process flow.

These 3 areas are the core of a strong marketing stack

>Whether it’s content marketing , email marketing , social media management , web analytics  Analyze your company  or survey software : there are dozens of different . A  tools that fall into the category of marketing software. However, SMEs should not be too quickly seduced by nice-sounding ba leads tool names . A  but first focus on the three core areas: engagement, operations and analytics.

1. Engagement
According to Gartner, software tools in the engagement category are the technologies that . A  debbie kohl evp / cfo the touchpoints you use to reach your customers/prospects . They are often channel-specific systems that send outbound marketing messages and document the results ( full article available for Gartner clients ).

Two popular types of engagement software that you can use to create effective, targeted marketing.

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