4 Main Business Models To uncover the concept of “value chain”, we should consider the main business models known today. This approach will allow us to better understand this complex topic. A business model as a concept for conducting commercial activities describes the c level contact list way a specific company makes a profit. Let’s consider the main schemes used by enterprises in modern conditions.
Buy-sell Main Business Models
This model is based on the sale of a product (goods or services).
The company’s income structure will include revenue from o Main Business Models ne-time sales of products or services to end customers. Advertising platform 4 Main Business Models
The volume of revenues under this business where do content designers work? . 4 Main Business Models
Rental, lending and subscription services
The same business model is used by contact lists cloud service providers that provide storage space, access to software or IT infrastructure. Lending can be
- In the second case, we are talking about methods of generating leads and forming product delivery channels that meet the needs of different segments of the target audience in terms of cost, speed, and efficiency.
We are talking about the “value creation chain” – VCC.