Track the progress of your opportunities

Thousands of people open Salesflare every day (or almost) to follow up with their leads and customers.

They go through the pipeline, check account deadlines and set tasks. And they see their sales progress a little more every day.

Once again, we’ve made this process a little easier.

Here’s what’s new.

Want a quick overview of  new Salesflare features we’ve poland whatsapp number data brought this year?

We’ve put it all together for you in this overview .

Those featured in this update have not (yet) been included.

Track the progress of your opportunities

Want to know how your opportunities are progressing through the different stages of the sales pipeline ?

It is now possible to have a simple and visual overview.

It’s not only motivating to check advanced strategies for effective management of consent forms for the processing of personal data your progress. It also helps you see how long your opportunities are stuck at a certain stage. And identify which stages are a bottleneck.

This history of your progress is immediately available for all your current (and of course future) opportunities, going back more than 3 years.

Sending emails from an alias

Do you have different email addresses as aliases on your G Suite account?

Now you can use all of these elements sms to data to send email campaigns and individual emails from Salesflare!

Just select the correct “From” email address. (We have them all saved already).


Note: We also designed this solution for Office 365, but unfortunately Microsoft does not support sending emails from aliases.  We have everything covered in case things change!

Many other improvements and bug fixes

We’ve fixed bugs you reported, improved performance in some areas, tweaked app flows, and more. As always, keep the feedback coming via live chat – we love it!

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