15 Ways The Matrix Has Us

I want to say right away that it is not mine, but I don’t know who came up with this work, because the sources are different everywhere. But I really liked it.

You feel that your life is in the wrong way?

You are in a black man in stone, qatar telegram data  but there is no lumen, and every day you are more and less, you are more likely to be rested and more likely?

How to free yourself from the

Constant heaviness in your soul, chest and stomach? How to break this vicious circle? How to sort out at least your main problems and get at least a little respite?

Society suggests two traditional ways to free ourselves from the power of the Matrix. The research and experimentation  lower way out is to become homeless, downshifters or drug addicts. The upper way out is to become millionaires. Both of these ways out have obvious flaws.

The lower exit does not suit everyone:

The fate of a homeless person is hard and painful. Rather than being free and sleeping in basements, it is better to quietly rot in your office five days a week, sault data  and on weekends get drunk on diluted ethanol until you squeal like a pig.

The upper exit for the Matrix slaves is closed. After all, even for a free person it is very, very difficult to make even a modest fortune. And for a tired hamster locked in a wheel, crawling to big money is no easier than for a sick cockroach to gnaw through a meter-thick concrete wall.

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